The Mama Making Podcast

Alyssa Jenkins | The Simple Olive Breastmilk Jewelry

Alyssa Jenkins Season 3 Episode 77

On this week's episode of The Mama Making Podcast...

We sit down with Alyssa Jenkins, the owner and founder of The Simple Olive, to hear her inspiring journey of creating and expanding her unique breast milk jewelry business.

Alyssa takes us behind the scenes, sharing the intricate process of crafting these special pieces and how she manages to keep everything organized. She also opens up about the growth of her business, the personal touches she adds to each creation, and the emotional stories from moms who have ordered breast milk and ashes jewelry.

Plus, Alyssa introduces us to her breast milk jewelry classes and talks about her dedication to offering a truly personalized experience for every customer. Don’t miss this heartfelt conversation about the love and care that goes into each piece of jewelry Alyssa creates.

Use code MMP10 for 10% off your next purchase!

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Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (00:01.062)
Hello everyone and welcome to the mama making podcast. If you're new here, I'm your host Jessica. If you're not new, welcome back. Today. I'm very excited to have Alyssa here with us. Alyssa is the owner and founder of the simple olive or she makes breast milk jewelry and much more. I'm excited to get into what business looks like for you, how you got into it, and then hear a little bit more about you.

Alyssa (00:25.294)
Thanks so much, Jessica, for having me on. I am so, so glad to be here. So I started The Simple Olive in September of 2021. Before that, I was stamping jewelry. I was selling it on Etsy with like mama's kids' names. I just felt like I wasn't doing enough for the mom community. So.

That's when I got a text message from one of my friends from high school just asking like if I make breast milk jewelry, have I ever heard of it? And I was like, what the heck is that? So my husband and I, we looked it up online for like hours and hours and he was like, you couldn't do this. And I was like, no, I can't because stamping jewelry is just like, like,

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (01:07.782)

Alyssa (01:23.054)
you just hit a hammer and you're done. So it took... Yeah, exactly. This was a lot more steps and a lot more waiting time. So I was nervous to try something new. But I just felt like I needed to do something more anyways. So I was like, this is my perfect opportunity to do something more for moms. So I tried. My husband's like...

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (01:26.854)
Yeah, it's a bit more involved using breast milk.

Alyssa (01:51.118)
just do it, you're gonna do great at it. I told him I'm not gonna spend more than $100 on things to start this company. So I spent like $96 on supplies and I made my first piece and I just fell in love with making breast milk jewelry and there was no turning back. Then September of 2021, I launched the Simple Olive.

And now I make breast milk jewelry, ashes jewelry, umbilical cord jewelry, so, so many things now.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (02:29.766)
Yeah, I was going to ask. So it's kind of evolved from breast milk jewelry to other things. Do you want to talk a little bit about what you've added on?

Alyssa (02:38.862)
Yeah, of course. So just started with breast milk jewelry. I was just doing that. And then I added on umbilical cord jewelry and ashes jewelry. I do a lot of dried flowers from weddings or from funerals. I also do like memorial jewelry. So it's like if a mama lost her baby, which happens.

Quite often I found out I didn't really know that side until I started talking to their moms and I'm like, wow, like this is a thing that happens all the time. So I make Obama's a lot of like memorial jewelry, whether it is a miscarriage and I just make a piece of jewelry with their pregnancy test or with ashes or with flowers from the baby's funeral.

or if the mom was breastfeeding with their breast milk that they no longer need. So I do a lot of that now as well.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (03:44.71)
Okay, so let's talk a little bit about the process. What does it all look like and how does it differ from each different type of material, I guess I'll say.

Alyssa (03:58.67)
Yeah, so it's a pretty lengthy process. There's just a lot of waiting. So the first thing I do is when someone orders, I order their jewelry from my jeweler. So that's the first thing that I have to wait on is getting their jewelry back from my jeweler. It is all handcrafted by my jeweler. So once I receive their jewelry, and I also have to wait to receive their breast milk. Once I receive those two things, then I can start.

my process. So what I do is I powder down the breast milk using heat and it makes it into like a paste form that I spread out on parchment paper and then I have to let that dry for 24 hours and then I grind that up and I mix it with resin and I use resin that cures instantly so I don't have to wait for that but

When I first started, I used resin that took like 24 hours to cure and it just forever to just make one piece of breast milk jewelry. But now it's a lot better. I do everything in batches. Now that my business has flourished drastically, I do batches every week. So whatever I get in from the past week, if the milk is there and the jewelry is there, I just make that like I make it in a batch. So it doesn't take so long.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (04:53.99)
my gosh.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (04:58.566)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (05:19.174)
Yeah, so I imagine there's a bit of like organization you have to have because you're waiting for the jewelry. You get the order, you get the jewelry, you're waiting on the jewelry and then you're wait like me. I, my husband ordered mine as a gift and I didn't send my breast milk for like months. I'm sure I'm not the only one. So how do you keep it all organized?

Alyssa (05:36.174)

Alyssa (05:40.622)
Yeah, so I have these little boxes behind me. I know you can't see them, but they are like little, like four inch by four inch boxes. And I have a row of boxes that it's not one row. It's like, like a seven by seven row that are stacked on top of each other. A boxes that I when I powdered down breast milk, I have the breast milk waiting there powdered down for

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (05:56.966)

Alyssa (06:09.198)
the jewelry to come or vice versa. I have the jewelry waiting for the breast milk to come and a lot of moms take a while to send their breast milk and that's okay. I always tell them your like order is not going anywhere. I'm going to hold on to order forever. Whenever you're ready, you send on over your breast milk and even if it takes like a year, I have jewelry that's been sitting here since.

like Black Friday 2021. So.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (06:39.686)
Yeah, I was going to say, I think I remember on seeing you post a story about like your oldest order that's still sitting there.

Alyssa (06:45.902)
Yeah. Well, sitting there and I've reached out so many times and no response. So I'm just like, okay, well, it's here whenever you are ready.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (06:52.614)
Yeah. So how much talking like business specifically, how much time is it taking you to do all of this? And like, what is what does growth look like for you?

Alyssa (07:02.03)
So it takes, yeah, so a lot of it is on my phone. I run my business from my phone like 90 % of the time. I think I just do like the order status page and little things here and there on my computer. But I'm on my phone all the time. Like all the time I try to put it down when my daughter gets home from preschool until she goes to bed. But.

I have so many people messaging me questions. I don't want to just like leave them hanging and making content. I am a big, big Instagram girly. So that takes so much time and it's really, really fun for me. So I'm okay with that because I love making reels, but that takes a lot of time. And then also making the jewelry takes, it's an eight hour day with everything that I do.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (07:53.894)

Alyssa (07:57.102)
I was actually a special education teacher before I did this and exactly a year ago. So last June, I actually had to sign my contract to say that I'm coming back or I'm not coming back. And my husband's like, you cannot do this to yourself because you are working until like midnight or like one o 'clock in the morning. So I would teach all day and then make jewelry all night. And he was like, you need to pick one.

because jewelry just is a full -time job. It takes a lot of time. So last June, I quit my job teaching and I just make jewelry full -time. And since that day, I have just blown up because I'm putting all my time and effort into it and it's really showing. So now it's really like an eight -hour day full -time job.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (08:27.718)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (08:48.838)
That's so exciting. I think when people think about like making the leap, I know I've definitely been in this position where I'm like, well, I can't leave the stable thing for the unsure thing. But I think when you're able to kind of make that jump, you're able to put that time that you were doing your full time or.

whatever else you were focused on, you're able to put all of your time and effort into this thing now. So I'm sure you're building better systems and more efficient. And it's no surprise that you totally blew up.

Alyssa (09:24.878)
Yeah, definitely. So I just put my all in and I was very nervous because like I was making a good chunk of income for my family and I have a husband and a daughter and I'm like, what if this doesn't work out? Like I could always go back to teaching but I didn't want to I already had my mind made up that this is what I was going to do and I was so excited. My husband just fully supported me. I think like he supported me more than I.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (09:41.254)
Mm -hmm.

Alyssa (09:51.79)
was like supporting myself because he just had like so much confidence in me and thank goodness he did because if it wasn't for him then I probably would still be up till one o 'clock in the morning making jewelry.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (09:53.542)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (10:03.27)
Yeah, yeah, I think it's, we almost need that like outside perspective as moms, because I think we get so focused on the day to day just because we have to that we can't see like outside of our own little bubble of getting things done where you need to. You almost need that outside perspective that's like, you can totally do this. You need to, you can, yeah, you just need a different perspective that.

Alyssa (10:33.134)
Yeah, and now I'm realizing like I can do it. Like if my daughter has something at school, a field trip, like I can drop everything and I can go. Like I can, if I want to work after bedtime instead of working during the day, like I can do that. So it's so great to have that freedom now. And I didn't have that before.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (10:33.158)
is hard to give yourself.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (10:54.502)
Yeah, I love that. I love when people kind of like go all in on their on their side project and it blows up. But then obviously owning your own business is huge. And like you said, you're constantly answering emails or messages and working from your phone. But it does give you that flexibility of my daughter has a field trip that I want to go on. I can push off my make my jewelry making.

Alyssa (11:02.382)
Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (11:21.702)
till tomorrow and adjust my schedule to be able to do that. And your typical nine to five, most aren't able to.

Alyssa (11:29.39)
Exactly. Yeah. So I feel very lucky that I get to do that. And it's just me. I have someone that comes and helps me here and there. She's 14. So it's not like she can like make the jewelry and like do much, but she a couple of times like helped me package up jewelry. But other than that is all me and I'm getting like 20 to like if I have a sale, I'm getting like hundreds of orders a week. So

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (11:43.878)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (11:56.006)
Yeah, I was just going to ask what your typical week looks like for orders.

Alyssa (12:00.174)
Yeah, so typically it's like 20 orders a week. If I do have a sale, it could be up to like hundreds of orders a week. World Breastfeeding Week is the first week in August, so it's coming up. And I have the biggest sale of the year. And I make like half of my teaching income for the year in one week. So it is...

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (12:26.502)
That's so crazy.

Alyssa (12:28.974)
Yeah, so.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (12:30.15)
Wow. Do you mind me asking what part of the country you're in?

Alyssa (12:34.093)
I'm in California. Yeah.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (12:35.558)
Okay. cause I was going to say, I feel like, yeah, world breastfeeding day is always huge. So I didn't even make that connection. Like obviously you're gonna make a ton on that. So if you were, I mean, that totally makes sense. If you were working in August, there's no way you'd be able to do all those orders.

Alyssa (12:58.19)
It was so, so rough. Yeah, it was. But I made it happen in this year. I'm like so excited. Last year I did it and it was like so great because I quit my job in June and then World Breastfeeding Week happened in August. And that was like a big like encouragement like, whoa, I can do this.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (13:00.87)
Yeah, ugh.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (13:14.246)
Yeah, that's like an instant gratification of your choice. that's so exciting. So what are some of the questions that you get from people? I've seen a few of your TikToks or your reels where you kind of post about questions people ask. I know me personally, prior to having kids, both my sister and I were like.

Alyssa (13:17.454)
Yeah, so I'm excited for this year. Yeah.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (13:41.606)
breast milk jewelry. Like that's so gross. And I'm sure a lot of people think that until you have your own kid and then you're like very acquainted with breast milk, if you're breastfeeding or nursing or whatever your chosen thing is. I'm sure you get questions all the time that are like, how does this work?

Alyssa (14:00.974)
Yeah, I've had many, many reels, they're viral. And it's usually men or like teenagers that are like, this is the most disgusting thing. And like, yeah, someone's like, how does that, like, is that disgusting? Does it smell? And I just use that in other reels. Like I just made a reel a couple days ago using that question from another reel. And it just...

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (14:10.694)
Isn't this hilarious?

Alyssa (14:26.574)
you know, gave me an idea. I'm like, I'm going to smell a piece of umbilical cord, even though I know what it smells like because I work with that every day. And I want to tell the world that it smells like stinky feet. Yeah, so I get a lot not of hate, just more of like, you know, that's gross. And then I have a lot of exactly I have a lot of moms like backing me up, though. So if someone does leave like a nasty comment, it's like all these mama bears like, like on it. Yeah.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (14:35.414)
my gosh, that's so funny.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (14:41.894)
Yeah, or curiosity, I'm sure, too.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (14:53.702)
Yeah, of course. Yeah, you really don't know until you've done it on some things motherhood. And I think this is definitely one of them.

Alyssa (15:03.278)
I agree. Yeah, I totally agree.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (15:06.95)
So what are some other questions that you, I know you have like a Q &A page on your website, but what are some of the more like common questions people have?

Alyssa (15:14.222)
A lot of questions are if I can ship outside the US and I get orders from all over the world. From the UK, I get a bunch from Canada. I get a lot from Australia too because they're just nervous if they send their breast milk it's gonna get yucky, which is not true. It has to be out of the fridge for like three weeks for it to get moldy and all breast milk smells disgusting when it gets to me, even if it's from like, I don't know where it just, it's.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (15:18.342)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (15:23.078)
That's so cool.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (15:29.83)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (15:33.574)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (15:38.982)

Alyssa (15:41.678)
doesn't smell good, but I'm really used to it now. As long as your breast milk isn't moldy when it gets to me, then I can totally use it. So it really doesn't matter where you're from. I can make you jewelry and then I send it back to you. But yeah, a lot of people outside the US, another question is if they can wear it every day and not have to take it off because a lot of moms, they just want to wear their jewelry and do bath time and push a stroller and not have to worry about their jewelry.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (15:44.454)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (15:54.566)
That's so cool.

Alyssa (16:09.87)
So I have like different levels of jewelry. So I have sterling silver, which is like occasional wear jewelry, like going on a date night. And then I have gold filled, which that's what I wear on my fingers. And it is, it's also plated, but it's very thick plated. So it will last a really long time and the plating like won't rub off.

So it's good for everyday wear. And then I also have jewelry that is like wedding ring material that you just, you can pass down like multiple generations. Yeah, cause I know like some moms are like saving up for this. I get a lot of messages like, hey, I'm gonna buy in a couple of months, I'm saving up. And then I have moms that buy like multiple pieces that are pure gold. And I'm like, okay.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (16:45.958)
That's awesome. A lot of different options for sure.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (17:01.798)
Yeah, that's awesome. So one of the things I would love to hear more about are some stories that you hear from moms. Obviously, I'm sure you hear a lot of stories about their breastfeeding journey. I know me specifically, it was hard until it wasn't. So then, yeah, in the beginning, it was really hard. I was doing like triple feeding and it was not my favorite time in the beginning, but then

Alyssa (17:03.246)
Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (17:31.59)
By the time it was done, I was like, like I'm going to miss this part of things. So I'm sure you're constantly hearing stories on the breast milk side of things, but then you've opened up this whole other window of opportunity with the umbilical cords and like memorial pieces. What are some of the stories that have kind of stood out to you?

Alyssa (17:54.254)
So a lot of people just tell me their breastfeeding journey and like yours, it's very similar to mine where it was really hard in the beginning and then you ended up loving it so much in the end. I get a lot of those. I get IVF mamas that just tell me that they tried for like years and years and years and years and finally they have their miracle baby. And then now since I've been posting reels about my memorial jewelry,

I have gotten so many people asking about ashes jewelry telling me their story about how they had a stillbirth or their baby was only alive for a couple days or a couple months. People are reaching out asking me about like pet ashes, which I do any ashes. I've done lots of dog ashes. I have done lots of people ashes. So.

I get a lot of stories like, this was my grandpa and I'm getting these pieces made for my sisters. Yeah, so sometimes it's really hard. The baby ones are really hard, especially when people send a picture and it just makes it like, so it's like a tangible object of like this or a mom just sent me a pair of her hospital socks because she had a miscarriage and she had to go to the hospital. So she,

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (18:52.454)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (19:03.462)

Alyssa (19:13.806)
had nothing to remember her baby by because it was too early. So she just saved her hospital socks and I'm making jewelry out of those. So it's a lot of sad stories, but it's a lot of happy like woohoo, you made it a year breastfeeding stories also. So I get a lot of happy and sad and I just kind of rolled the punches of like whatever I get, like I'm just gonna celebrate with you or I'm going to, you know, like wanna give you a hug.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (19:21.83)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (19:43.686)
Yeah, yeah, I think it's although like, obviously the breastfeeding ones are like, yeah, you did it in our usually fun, I imagine I think being part of someone's story has to be super rewarding for you.

Alyssa (19:58.382)
Yeah, it's so great. And it's like, I wish I could like hand deliver some of these pieces just like these moms, but it's, it's awesome. And then also for ashes, if I, cause I mix the resin with the ashes, if I don't use everything in the resin cup, I make them another piece because I have this thing where I say like all the ashes come back to you, no matter if they're like in jewelry form or like in the baggie and you just sent too much. So.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (20:03.526)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (20:17.798)

Alyssa (20:27.502)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (20:28.102)
that's so cool. I think, yeah, so I got breast milk jewelry. I was, it took me forever to decide what I wanted. I don't, I'm not like a big jewelry person. I have my rings. I have just a simple little necklace that I wear. And I'm like, I want something that is like, I'll get excited to put on. And I got like a really simple teardrop necklace. And I was just so impressed with, like the

personal touch that you put to it. Like it's not this company that you're like buying a jewelry item from like you can tell it's a person and an individual. I think you gave me an extra keychain too. That was like exciting. Yeah, so I think it's I think it's definitely a testament to you and the business that you've grown like it continues to grow for a reason and I think just that like.

Alyssa (20:58.83)
Thank you.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (21:26.15)
most people I think would probably over in a time of grief might overlook that little caveat that it's all coming back to you and be so like shocked to see more than one piece. So I think that that's such a cool like personal touch that you get to have in this person's challenging time of their life. So I think that's really cool.

Alyssa (21:51.565)
Yeah. Yeah, I always try to make it like personal and I want it to like come from me. Like it's like I always think it's like my gift to you. So I always send a keychain like you got a breast milk or ashes or usually just breast milk or ashes because I don't want to like take people's umbilical cord and use like extra if I don't need to or flowers. But with breast milk or ashes, I always send

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (22:01.766)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (22:17.926)

Alyssa (22:20.75)
a keychain as like a little gift from me. And I also when I powdered on your breast milk, I make enough for like four pieces with keychains. So it's not like I'm so I like to do that. I also put in my box and I put like a sticker that you can like put on your Stanley because that's what I like to do with my logo stickers. So I'm like that.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (22:34.63)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (22:48.422)
Yeah, totally.

Alyssa (22:50.126)
I also now put a Bible verse card in there so it's just like a motivational Bible verse and then I put a care card and just like telling you how much I love making jewelry.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (23:03.686)
Yeah, I think those personal touches really, especially as moms, I feel like we're always doing so much for other people that it's like almost surprising. Like for me specifically, it's always surprising to have something unexpected done for me. So I think that, again, I think that is a testament to like the business you operate, that it is very personalized and personal to you as well.

Alyssa (23:29.088)
Yeah, I love it. And when I'm like stamping boxes, I'm like, I'm doing this for the moms. I don't like doing this, but I'm doing it for the moms.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (23:32.934)
Yeah, the worst part of the job is also still motivating.

Alyssa (23:41.422)
Yes, exactly.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (23:43.622)
So what is next for you in this simple olive?

Alyssa (23:48.974)
I am actually at the point where I'm like, I just, I'm really comfy where I am and I'm so happy and I'm really trying to post my reels. I post like two or three reels a day and I really hope like no one gets sick of them. All I've heard is like, my gosh, I love your reels. Like you are so fun. But I'm just like, please don't get sick of me because I just love them.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (23:54.822)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (24:08.134)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (24:12.486)
No, I don't think so. Again, I think it's a personal touch. And like seeing where the magic happens is kind of cool.

Alyssa (24:22.286)
Right. Another thing I'm doing is I just started this a couple months ago. I am offering breast milk jewelry classes. So I'm teaching other people how to make breast milk jewelry because I just feel like the pie is big enough for everyone to have a piece. And no one's gonna eat me, especially on my Instagram, because I feel like it's very unique. And everyone's gonna have a different style of making jewelry. So I'm like, if you want to make breast milk jewelry, I don't want you to have to do what I did.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (24:39.686)

Alyssa (24:51.854)
where I just searched for hours and hours and hours on YouTube and just like trial and error. Like if you want to do it, like I want to help you along and make it happen for you, like a happy experience. So I do offer breast milk jewelry courses where I teach how to make breast milk jewelry and also ashes jewelry in that course.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (25:04.454)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (25:12.454)
That's very cool. I'll have you send that information to me and we'll link it in the show notes. perfect. Okay, cool. So what else do you think is important to know about you, about breast milk jewelry business wise?

Alyssa (25:16.878)
It's on my website also. Everything is on my website. Yeah.

Alyssa (25:28.718)
I think it's really important to know that I'm a mom too, just like you are. and I breastfed my baby for 16 months. So I know where these moms are coming from and that they're crying and that they're excited and that it's sometimes annoying to breastfeed and that's okay to feel those feelings because so did I. So I just, I don't know, I don't want people to know that I'm like right there with you and my

daughter, I almost said my baby, she is my baby forever, but my daughter is turning five in August, so we're out of the baby stage, she's going to kindergarten. But my daughter loves to help pack boxes and put my little business cards in each box. And so just know your jewelry and your boxes like sent out with lots of love from my daughter and I.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (26:02.966)
my gosh.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (26:20.998)
I love that. Yeah, it's a whole family business.

Alyssa (26:25.038)
Yeah, yeah, she wants to do everything and sometimes I'm like, mommy needs to be alone so I can focus on making jewelry.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (26:29.574)
Yeah. that's so cool. Yeah, that's a fun age. I feel like there's there's still little, but they're like definitely their own person.

Alyssa (26:37.102)
It's really fun.

Alyssa (26:42.574)
Yes, she wants to just take over my company. I'm like, girlfriend, you need to chill out. One day you can. Not when you're five. Yeah.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (26:46.086)
Yeah. That's so awesome. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for being on. I loved kind of getting a peek into the Simple Olive and I will happily share whatever you have going on in our show notes. Any, where can people find you?

Alyssa (27:08.558)
I am on Instagram every day, all day long. My Instagram is just at the simple olive. And then my website is the simple olive .com. And I do actually have a code to share with you guys. So it's gonna be a 10 % off code and it is MMP10. So when you check out your entire order will be 10 % off if you use that code.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (27:37.542)
Awesome. Thank you. It's so exciting. Especially with the breastfeeding week coming up, we'll have to have some extra orders in there. Well, thank you. Yeah, this was great. I loved having you on and learning a bit more about what you do and look forward to seeing all of your social media content.

Alyssa (27:42.83)

Alyssa (27:57.422)
Thank you! Thanks for having me on.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (27:59.942)
Awesome, thank you.