The Mama Making Podcast

Andria Singletary | Entrepreneurship in Motherhood

Andria Singletary, Jessica Lamb Season 3 Episode 86

In this episode of The Mama Making Podcast...

Jessica talks with Andria Singletary, mompreneur and business coach, about her journey in building a business that aligns with her current season of life. Andrea shares her insights on the importance of self-compassion and leveraging community support while navigating motherhood and entrepreneurship. 

She also introduces her upcoming membership, the Social Media Detox Club, a space designed to help moms create a visibility strategy that fits their unique needs and life stage. This episode is full of inspiration for moms looking to build a balanced and authentic presence in both business and family life.

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This episode is sponsored by Collabs Creative - a digital marketing company supporting makers, creatives, and small business owners with all things digital and design.

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Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (00:00.846)
Hello everyone and welcome to the mama making podcast. If you're new here, I'm your host Jessica. If you're not new, welcome back today. I'm very excited to have Andrea here with us. Andrea is the ultimate mompreneur, a business owner, life and business coach, podcast host mom, just to name a few. welcome Andrea and thanks for joining me.

Andria Singletary (00:21.518)
Thank you for having me.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (00:23.598)
I'm excited to have you today. So tell us a little bit about yourself, who you are, where you're from, your family, whatever you're comfortable sharing.

Andria Singletary (00:30.99)
Yeah, so my name is Andrea Singletary. I'm a wife, a mama of two. My kids are four and two. And like Jessica said, I am a life and business coach for moms. And I really focus on supporting my clients with building a business that fits their current season of life. As we know, as moms, we go through different seasons of motherhood. And so,

depending on what season of motherhood you're in, your capacity may be a little bit less or you have other priorities and everything. And so I really focus on supporting my clients with figuring out how to still build a successful business while being present moms and not running themselves into the ground. And so a big part of that is that we really focus on growing their clientele off social media.

Because as we know, social media can be pretty draining, just trying to keep up with everything going on on the platforms and whatnot. And so we look at getting visible outside of social media and leveraging things like podcasting, podcast guesting, like I'm doing right now, and different types of collaborations.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (01:44.366)
That's amazing. It sounds like a lot of things wrapped up into one and I'm kind of excited to get into all of it. But first, where did you start? Like how, what was the start of all of this?

Andria Singletary (01:55.598)
Mm -hmm.

Yeah, so I had my son at the height of the pandemic, so April 2020. And yes, at the very beginning, going into the hospital wearing masks, having to give birth with a mask on, very traumatizing. But I had him and so at that time, I was a preschool director. And so while I was on maternity leave, my job actually shut down.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (02:05.098)
my gosh, right at the beginning.

Andria Singletary (02:25.806)
due to COVID. And so I, you know, became a stay at home mom, which it was something I was already planning to do anyways. Like I knew when I had my son, I was not going to go back to a nine to five. but spending that first year home with him, absolutely loved it, but really wanted to find myself again, not just, you know, have motherhood consume me. I wanted to have something for myself.

And so I went on this journey, like looking at things that I can do from home and eventually landed on starting out as a virtual assistant. And of course, when I made that decision to pursue, you know, starting a virtual assistant business, I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter. So starting a business with a one -year -old and being pregnant, it was, it was a lot.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (03:16.558)
Yeah, that keeps it exciting for sure.

Andria Singletary (03:18.158)
Yes, it was definitely between the fatigue and the nausea, but I did it. And I quickly grew that business. So it was called the savvy VA mama. I supported mom business owners just handling like all of their admin needs and even doing a lot of different other things like social media management, blog, copywriting. And while I love that work, after I had my daughter and officially transitioned to a mom of two,

it just no longer made sense for my current capacity. And so I really needed to find something that would allow me to basically work odd hours. So as you guys know, with a newborn, you know, up at two in the morning doing a feed and whatnot. So something that would work more realistically with that instead of being tied to, you know, those standard business hours. And so I transitioned into podcast management and I absolutely love that. And

Doing that, I realized that a lot of the clients I worked with, they were treating their podcasts as the separate thing from their business, not really leveraging it to generate leads for their business, to tell people about their offers and different things like that. And so I really focused on helping podcasters who had businesses connect the two and really use their podcasts as a strategic part of their marketing and sales strategy. And so.

Love that and it was absolutely amazing. But again, had another life transition. You know, we found out in 2023 that my son had autism and then October, 2023, my daughter had a seizure. So there was just a lot going on life -wise and having the capacity to do podcast launches and.

monthly management and even some podcast coaching, it just did not fit my current capacity. And so at the start of this year, 2024, I made the decision to fully step into coaching and really just supporting clients essentially with what I went through as a mom in business, being able to navigate those life challenges and really be able to build your business in a way that supports you and your family where you're at.

Andria Singletary (05:41.198)
currently in life.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (05:43.406)
Yeah, I mean, you've run the full gamut of like starting out and then kind of building your own thing. And I feel like that has to make you especially unique to the coaches or the clients you're coaching and that you've been through it. You know, the scary parts, the exciting parts, kind of the trials and error along the way. What are some of the things that you're...

Firstly, who are your clients? Like who's coming to you for coaching? And do they, on the second part of that, do they currently have a business? Are they looking to start a business? I'm sure it's kind of all over the map, but I'd love to hear who your clients are.

Andria Singletary (06:20.326)
So. Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (06:30.67)
Yeah, so my clients are typically moms with young children at home. So like in the zero to five age range. Typically, they have like an infant and a toddler. So really in the thick of motherhood. And it varies as far as like whether or not they have a business or don't have a business. So it's usually a mix of both. But one of the commonalities amongst them is that either they already have a podcast that they really want to leverage for their business.

or they want to start a podcast and use it as part of their marketing strategy. So they usually fall into that camp as well as, you know, really struggling to show up consistently on social media. You know, a lot of us, when we start businesses, we're told, you know, you need to have a social media presence and, you know, told the different ways to grow your social media and all of the things. But realistically, when you are a mom in the thick of motherhood,

applying those social media strategies may not be realistic for you. And so usually when my clients come to me, they're at that point where they either want to step back from social media or completely step away and really find other ways that they can realistically build their business while still being a present mom, while still being able to live the life that they desire.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (07:52.718)
Yeah and I feel like it's so challenging to start something new and then want to I mean you want to do it all right I think as women we we put this pressure on ourselves to do everything like perfectly in the right way and correctly and I definitely identify with the social media piece I think part I I took a large hiatus from my podcast to after I had my son

Andria Singletary (08:01.742)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (08:19.982)
One of the biggest things is like, okay, I have to reframe social media. I don't have the time anymore to make sure everything's getting seen on the algorithm and relearn the new algorithm. So I totally identify with the moms who are like, Hey, I don't have time for this. How can I, leverage other avenues? And maybe they want to stay on social media, but there's other ways to leverage your opportunities as a business owner. but again,

Once all we know is social media, I'm sure it's so overwhelming to try to hop into something new like podcasting.

Andria Singletary (08:54.606)
Yeah, definitely. I always tell people like before you start your podcast, start with guesting on other podcasts because you want to make sure it's something you actually enjoy doing. And if you find that you don't like it, that's okay. There are still other options. They are doing speaking engagements, you know, speaking at virtual summits and different things like that. Networking, you know, joining different networking groups and whatnot. You have a lot of

options, but I think it's like trying different things to find what you like, like how you really shine as far as like content creation, so to speak. And then going with that, leaning into that.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (09:34.094)
Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (09:39.15)
Yeah, I love that. And it's going to be different for everybody. So we see all these things on social media or on podcasting that's like, this is the tried and true way. But for every mom, for every business owner, for every industry, it's going to be different. Who your target market is, is going to be so different from another person. So I can definitely see why coaching would be such a...

Andria Singletary (09:42.382)
Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (10:09.038)
advantageous position to put yourself in. With that said, what are, with the social media and all of that, what are some of the main challenges you're seeing moms who are business owners running into in their, in whichever season they're in?

Andria Singletary (10:10.606)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (10:28.558)
Yeah. So one of the things I find that as moms in business, like if their time is limited, if their capacity is limited, they tend to have tunnel vision and just focus on, you know, supporting their clients and making sure their clients are good. But then that means their marketing and their visibility gets put on the back burner. And so when that contract ends with that client or that client decides not to renew,

Now they're stuck. Now they're panicking, trying to figure out, okay, how am I going to replace that income I'm about to lose? And so this is why I'm really big on building a business that fits your current season of life and even going as far as to build a visibility strategy that fits your current season of life. One of the ways that I'm supporting my clients with that is I'm...

At the time of this recording, it's not launched yet, but it's launching tomorrow. My membership, the social media detox club. So inside that membership, we really look at ways that you can get visible and continue to get visible in a way that works with the time that you have available. And so, like I said, what I see a lot of times with my clients, because they're so focused on that, their own client work, the first thing they drop is showing up on social media.

So they're not getting visible. They're not nurturing their audience. They're not having those sales conversations. So inside the membership, I teach you strategies that literally do not take a lot of your time, but it allows you to still get out in front of your ideal clients. So that way, when that contract does end, you have an audience ready to sell to who are ready to invest in your offers. So really looking at how can I make

you know, the most of the time I do have available because we can't just focus on supporting our current clients. You know, we still have to pour into our own businesses. We still have to focus on our business needs in order to continue to hit our income goals. So that's like how I really like support clients with that, but really looking at, or I should say really like not neglecting your business. Like you still have to.

Andria Singletary (12:49.806)
dedicate that time to it, but you can do it in a way that's not going to require you to post on social media, you know, seven days a week and doing the stories, the reels and all of the things like there are other more simple ways. And so looking outside of social media, like I said, through podcast, guesting, you know, speaking engagements. I don't know if your audience are familiar with bundles, but bundle collaborations in which you contribute.

you know, a high value resource and you can grow your email list with your IDO clients. So there are different things that you can do that's not going to take a whole lot of your time.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (13:28.462)
Yeah, I'm sure time management and like, however I can streamline my time the best to be efficient is something that is highly sought after with your clients.

Andria Singletary (13:33.102)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (13:37.998)
Yes, definitely.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (13:40.558)
So with, we've talked a little bit about what your clients who have existing businesses look like. What about the moms? I mean, obviously we both kind of operate in a mom space given our podcasts. But even in real life, I'm always hearing moms like, I want to get out of my nine to five. It's not filling me. I love being a mom, but I can't stay home. I need to, I need to work or.

Andria Singletary (13:53.262)
Thank you.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (14:08.398)
I don't know that I can stay home with my kids all day, but don't necessarily have like a thing or a niche that they can, or they feel like they can start up business around. What would you say to those moms who are kind of like looking to go out on their own and kind of work for themselves? That's a huge leap for people. And then if you don't have like something specific that you're jumping into, what would you say to those moms and have you worked with those moms?

Andria Singletary (14:19.31)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (14:36.494)
Yeah, I have. So I would say always start with like what you're currently doing or you know what skills you already have. I think sometimes we think that we have to have this quote unquote sexy skill set or you know niche or something. But the reality is that people need support with many things.

And although to you, it may seem like, that's super basic, that's simple to the person who needs that support, especially if it's something that doesn't come naturally for them or they just don't have the time to do it, they're willing to pay you for it. So I would say start with things that you already know, like you're confident in doing, whether it's like taking the skills you've developed in your nine to five, or, you know, maybe you have certain hobbies where you're really skilled at.

packaging that as an offer and starting there, but also don't be afraid to try new things. Like I said at the start of this interview, I started out as a virtual assistant doing all of the things. Like I even did web design and you know, all these different things and it was a really great way to in a sense dabble in different niches, but also to kind of find out that, I don't really like social media management. That is not something I am going to opt.

and whatnot. So I think the biggest thing is getting outside of your head, like don't overthink it and just give it a try. And you can even start with like just sharing with your family and friends like, hey, you know, I'm, you know, deciding to do some freelancing or I'm giving, you know, virtual assistants a try.

And that's actually how I found my first couple of clients as a virtual assistant. It was, one of my clients was my mom. I was her VA and then another client was, a good childhood friend of mine. And it was comfortable because I knew them. So like, if I made a mistake, I was like,

Andria Singletary (16:42.254)
not so much of a big deal, like they understand. So starting with that and then you'll gain your confidence. You'll be able to find like what you enjoy, what you don't enjoy and kind of go from there.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (16:55.662)
Yeah, I love that. And I think kind of starting with your base and like, what am I good at? I know for me specifically, I don't know about everybody else, but that's a hard question. So taking some time and being like, okay, what am I good at? What do I enjoy doing? Because at the end of the day, you might be turning something you love into your job. So is that considering, is that what you want to do? Do you want to make your hobby into your job or?

Andria Singletary (17:07.438)

Andria Singletary (17:18.606)
Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (17:25.614)
kind of leverage your business skills that you have in whatever position you're in to kind of create something new. Yeah, I love that advice of like step out of your box and kind of trial and error. What has trial and error looked like for you? Because I know you've gone through like a few stages of what, from being a VA and then doing podcast launches and.

Andria Singletary (17:40.782)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (17:51.598)
and then now to coaching, what have been like the struggles or trial and errors for you making those each step forward? I know some of it is life stuff that kind of propels you into where you're supposed to be going next, but I'm sure there's some thought behind it.

Andria Singletary (18:03.31)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (18:08.942)
Yeah, I would say probably the biggest would be like mindset and really like wondering like, well, what are people going to think? Because I've made, you know, multiple pivots. Are they going to question my authority? You know, different things like that. And so really working through that mindset drama and just being confident in what I'm doing. I really had to lean into that.

And I will say like a lot of my pivots, so to speak, it was like guided by the community I was serving to really looking at what their needs were, what they were asking of me and whatnot. And so that also really helped me to confidently step into these different pivots and everything. But I would say definitely the mindset drama. And I feel like...

We all go through that. Like even if it's just starting your business, questioning like, am I doing the right thing? What are people gonna think? Are people gonna actually invest in working with me and whatnot? And it's just really having that positive self -talk, you know, telling yourself that you can do this, that you have a skillset, you have an expertise that people want and need and everything. So really learning how to coach yourself.

through that mindset drama is super helpful.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (19:37.262)
Yeah, I think with anything mindset is hard, but it's also so important, especially if you're going into a new endeavor, kind of figuring out the ins and outs of it is so challenging that I think if you go into it with, like you said, a confident, self -confident mind frame, it's going, not going to guarantee, but you're going to have a lot different perspective moving into that new endeavor than you would just like, ugh.

Andria Singletary (19:43.054)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (20:06.286)
I have to get into this or I don't know that I'm really good at it, but I'm gonna give it a try. I think, yeah, that positive self -talk, I mean, like, I can do this, I know who my people are, I'm confident in what I do. I'm also big on like the fake it till you make it. And then that sometimes it has to come with, but yeah, I think that that's great advice for the new entrepreneur, for sure.

Andria Singletary (20:08.302)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (20:14.446)

Andria Singletary (20:23.15)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (20:37.23)
So tell me, do you, the clients that you work with now, what kind of industries are they coming from? Just wanting to express that you could kind of do any industry, and it's not just social media marketing or design, you could do it kind of all over the map.

Andria Singletary (20:52.79)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (21:03.566)
Yeah, so my clients, the clients that I work with primarily serve moms in some capacity. So one, she's a mentor for moms. I have a couple of clients who they're actually doulas, but I also have some clients who are in the teaching space. So one in particular, she...

coaches, STEM teachers. And then I have another client who is a confidence coach for female entrepreneurs. So really supporting them with public speaking, developing their keynote topics and different things like that. So they're kind of like all over the place, but primarily they support women entrepreneurs, women in business, except for the teacher, the STEM teacher, she supports

all educators. Yeah.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (22:00.046)
That's so awesome. It really is all over the map. I think people, when they're thinking about starting a business, they think it's only products. I have to have a product or have to have a, like, what problem am I solving? And it could just be someone needs help figuring out how to design their classroom or in the most efficient way or organize their home in the right way. And I think that we kind of limit ourselves on that as well.

Andria Singletary (22:09.389)

Andria Singletary (22:28.526)
I agree.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (22:30.19)
Sorry, my dogs are going nuts. I have to put them away. One second.

Andria Singletary (22:32.462)
Okay, no worries.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (22:57.454)
Sorry, I had too much trust that I thought that they would be okay looking out the window. So I am interested to hear what life kind of looks like for you or has looked like for you balancing. We talked a little bit about work -life balance, but for you specifically, what does work -life balance look like for you in your different stages of business?

Andria Singletary (23:00.014)
No worries.

Andria Singletary (23:26.222)
Yeah, so essentially during the week, like during the day, I only do some work while my son is at school. So he goes to a half day program. And I have my daughter here. So if she's playing independently, different things like that, I'll fit in some work then.

But honestly, the bulk of my work I get done on Saturdays. Saturdays are my CEO mama days. That's when my husband is home and he is fully responsible for the kids. Like unless we have something planned for a Saturday, that's my dedicated time to get work done. So I'll either go in a different room and do work or unlike this past weekend, I actually went to Panera Bread and had my CEO mama day.

But it's really I lean a lot on my village. So my husband and then like my mom she has the kids right now while we're recording this interview but I honestly I kind of go by the mood of my kids like if they are Content playing and everything and they're like, okay mom, you can have you know a little time to work I will get as much done as I can

but I know like, especially right now with it being summer and everything, we're doing more like going out, doing more things and everything like that. So I will sometimes like do work in the evenings and everything. I'm a night owl, so it works for me. And then especially with my son being out of school right now, we get to sleep in in the morning. So it all balances out. but I really look at how I'm building my business. And so.

Like I do, for instance, for like the podcast production side of my business, I do have a couple of monthly management clients, but I know that's my capacity right now, at least until I bring on an editor. And then my coaching clients, how I have things set up in my coaching business, it's not requiring me to be on all the time.

Andria Singletary (25:36.174)
a lot of the coaching takes place via Voxer. And then once a month, we, you know, have our face -to -face calls and everything. and then I also implemented with my coaching clients, we have weekly coworking sessions. And so, yeah, we do them in the evenings, like after the kids are asleep and everything, but it works nice because they're getting work done, but I'm also able to get work done too. So really just like I, like I said,

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (25:51.438)
That's a cool idea.

Andria Singletary (26:04.75)
building my business in a way that fits my current season of life. So I know every Thursday night, if I don't get anything else done during the week, I know I'm going to have that coworking session on Thursday and then I'll have my day on Saturday to get like a bulk of my work done and everything. So it all balances out in that sense. Like I hate to use the word balance because I don't feel like it really is a balance because at the end of the day, yeah, like at the end of the day, like.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (26:29.07)
You don't always feel that way.

Andria Singletary (26:33.006)
My kids and my family, that's my top priority. They are going to get the majority of my time and capacity. But I also make sure to be strategic in what I do in my business, what I focus on and having a lot of systems and automations in place and whatnot. So that way I'm not feeling like I have to choose between the two and different things like that.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (26:55.758)
Yeah, I love that you talked about figuring out systems and automations for what you do. I think that that is kind of key to figuring out how to make your business work for you. I think that with the way our society operates a lot now, people want that personal touch, but you can still give that personal touch with.

Andria Singletary (27:05.678)
Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (27:22.318)
Automated emails still coming from you. It's still a genuine personal message But it's automated to the optimal time of the day and then you don't you're scheduled. You don't have to worry about it So I think finding things like those To in systems, like you said to make sure that you're like one working efficiently. So you're not doing extra time I work in project management. So like how can I make this more efficient is like?

Andria Singletary (27:29.358)

Andria Singletary (27:44.878)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (27:50.286)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (27:51.246)
constantly going through my brain. And I imagine when you've got two little ones at home, you really have to do it double time. What are some of the other things that you feel like are key tools to allowing you to be where you are in your business?

Andria Singletary (27:56.334)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (28:09.55)
Yeah, so essentially just doing things differently. I feel like it's so easy as moms and women in general to start comparing ourselves to others and what they're doing. And so I've really learned to lean into like, okay, what makes sense for me right now? And so, like I said, with the whole social media thing, like there are times where

I can actively show up and I lean into it and do it then. And then when there are times I can't, I know that I have other things in place like my podcast, doing collaborations and different things like that that are working for me. So I don't feel that pressure to have to show up all the time on socials. Also asking for help. For instance, with the launch of my membership, I hired someone to build out the sales page.

I hired a VA to support me with, because I'm hosting a master class that's gonna funnel into the membership. I hired a VA to support with that because I, for my master class, I think I'm at like 150 registered. So thank you. So I was like, yeah, I need support. I'm not gonna be able to man the chat and lead this master class. So really just like, you know.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (29:21.422)
That's amazing.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (29:27.214)

Andria Singletary (29:31.982)
Outsourcing where I can whether that's in my business or in my home or like I said leaning on my village for support and everything Learning how to ask for help has been one of the key things to my growth I am I'm the type where I'm like I can figure it out I can do it I can do it and then I finals like you know it but you don't have to do it on your own you don't have to run yourself into the ground and so like in the home I

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (29:56.525)

Andria Singletary (29:58.958)
My husband, he is responsible for dinner for the week for us. I don't plan it. I don't do anything with it. He handles it. And that is just like one load off of my back. You know, he handles the nighttime routine with our kids. That's another load off of my back. So just really leaning into asking for help and getting support where I can, that allows me to continue to do this business.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (30:25.166)
Yeah, absolutely. And I think, again, being moms and women in general, asking for help is hard. I feel like we're always trying to prove like we can do it all and we can, but we don't have to. And I am like all about outsourcing and my husband owns a business and so he is not around a ton. So I'm like, okay, I have X amount of time available as well. So.

Andria Singletary (30:30.67)

Mm -hmm. Yes.

Andria Singletary (30:44.43)
Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (30:50.574)
I spend the $90 a month for a cleaning lady, because I know I'm never going to deep clean my house. I'll do the vacuuming once in a while, put my Roomba out, wipe down the counters. But I'm never going to have the time. I have a two -year -old, or almost two -year -old. I'm never going to have the time to do a deep clean in my house. So figuring out what things can I outsource. I want my son to go to this nature class. I have to work or do this.

Andria Singletary (30:54.574)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (31:06.734)
Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (31:16.014)
I'm using that time to do other stuff, organizing the house. So grandma's going to take him to do that. So I think figuring out both personal and work wise, what things you can outsource to different people. Maybe it is teaming up with another professional where you can kind of swap services with each other. That's advice that I've, I saw recently and I'm like, my God, that's genius. Like everybody's looking to.

Andria Singletary (31:32.718)
Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (31:40.27)
partner, like everybody needs support and maybe you're not in a spot in your business where you can pay someone, but then just swap services, like figure out who you can lean on when you need it. And I feel like that is so key to, to being a mom in general, and then being a business owner on top of it.

Andria Singletary (31:41.262)

Andria Singletary (32:00.334)
Yeah, I love that you brought up the swapping services. I've done that a few times, especially early on in my business. I've like did a podcast launch for someone and she wrote the copy for my website. Someone else, she's like a SEO strategist. And so she developed like a full SEO plan for me, keywords and all of that. And, you know, I'm supporting her with launching her podcast. So.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (32:24.942)
That's awesome.

Andria Singletary (32:28.59)
especially if you're just starting out and maybe you don't necessarily have the funds to invest in support, don't be afraid to ask about swapping services and everything. Like, of course you want it to be like equivalent and whatnot, so it's fair to you both, but definitely do that if you can.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (32:42.894)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (32:46.702)
Yeah, and I think what you said, like I utilize my village. I think as moms we need to do that. But then as business owners too, like if you're swapping services with someone, you get to kind of watch each other grow. And I think that's really cool too. You can kind of like bend each other's ears on what's working for you, what's not. And so you're kind of building your own little like village for your business. So I think that can be kind of cool to like grow that network as well.

Andria Singletary (32:54.766)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (33:12.078)

Mm -hmm.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (33:17.198)
Is there anything else that you think that other moms should know who either have a business now or are thinking about making a leap to leaving their corporate nine to five and kind of investing in their own business?

Andria Singletary (33:32.75)
Yeah, I would say one of the main things is show yourself grace. we can be so hard on ourselves as moms. And if you are an entrepreneur or planning to pursue entrepreneurship that nine times out of 10, that means you're driven, you're ambitious, all of the things. And so when you are ambitious, it's a lot harder to show yourself grace. So remember to show yourself grace. Like you're literally building.

something out of nothing like you're doing it all. So celebrate that every little step of the way celebrate that. I would say that's the biggest thing. One of the things I wish that I learned early on in my mompreneur journey was just really showing myself grace and not being so hard on myself. Like most businesses what don't make it past like five years. So

Know that entrepreneurship, yes, it is hard, but you can do hard things. But, you know, don't be discouraged. Just keep pressing forward and keep finding what works for you. There's going to be a lot of noise in the online space. And so take what makes sense for you and apply it. And if it doesn't make sense for you, just set it to the side and everything. But yeah, I would say that would be my additional advice for you guys.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (34:57.902)
Yeah, I love that. I think that's a good place to wrap the inspiration of you're building something out of nothing, I think is huge. I think just thinking like, okay, I need to do something else, I need to do more. I think that's kind of the start of it. Whether you choose to do something now or 10 years from now, that's kind of the start of it. So I love that advice of, or that mantra, like you're building something out of nothing.

Andria Singletary (35:16.622)

Andria Singletary (35:25.294)

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (35:26.894)
So you mentioned the master class and then another like course you have or group you have coming up. Can you tell us more about what you have going on between now or this year?

Andria Singletary (35:37.134)
Yeah, so the masterclass would have already passed, but I am going to have it available for replay for people who want to check it out. But I'm launching a membership called the Social Media Detox Club. It'll be live by the time this interview drops. And like I said, it's really about building a visibility strategy that fits your current season of life. So ensuring that you are still consistently showing up in your business.

So that way you are growing your audience and you have that audience of people who are ready to work with you and different things like that. But you also get that community aspect. So it's a community of mamas who they're doing things like you, you know, running businesses with babies at home and everything. And so getting that community support and encouragement and also really learning how to build your network. Like we were talking about in this episode, you know,

building that village and everything and partnering with the mamas inside of the community to get more visible, to collaborate in different ways that make sense based on your time and capacity available.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (36:49.422)
That's awesome and that touches on a lot of the points that we talked about today where we could all use support and help and just kind of figuring out how to piece it all together. Awesome. Well, where can people find you? Social media, where can they contact you? Email if you want to give that out.

Andria Singletary (36:53.198)

Andria Singletary (36:59.022)
Mm -hmm.

Andria Singletary (37:07.022)
Yeah, so if you really enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your thoughts. So you can send me a message on Instagram. My handle is mama termapreneur. You also can check out my website, which is mama termapreneur .com. You can learn more about the membership as well as my one on one coaching. And then of course, check out my podcast mama termapreneur. I talk about all things motherhood and entrepreneurship and

like my motto, building a business that fits your current season of life.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (37:38.126)
Yes, I love it. I love that tagline too. It's so perfect. Well, awesome. Thank you so much for being here. We'll be sure to link all of that in our show notes so people can find you quickly. I'm so glad you were able to join me today to talk a little bit more about what you do and hopefully give some encouragement to the moms out there who are looking to start a business or are kind of in the thick of it right now. I think someone can take something away from this episode, if not a few things.

Andria Singletary (37:40.846)

Andria Singletary (38:06.606)
Yes, thank you so much for having me. I really enjoyed this conversation.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (38:10.734)
Of course. I would love to have you back and talk a little bit more about how your group is going.

Andria Singletary (38:17.006)
Yeah, definitely.

Jessica | The Mama Making Podcast (38:18.83)
Awesome. All right, let me stop this.